The Journal

A collection of selected writings.

On Turtle Time
Regan Stacey Regan Stacey

On Turtle Time

It was a cold and blustery afternoon, not the typical day for a beach walk. The floods had come and shifted the sands again. I was down along Long Island Sound, rounding the bend up the Connecticut River, walking past bits of detritus washed up…

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Another Bang
Regan Stacey Regan Stacey

Another Bang

Another bang.
This drum beat
loud and resonant
scattered feathers
the flying swiftly…

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Regan Stacey Regan Stacey


Breathing in and breathing out,
waves of thought like wind
rise and fall with the
rhythm of cicadas…

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Love Song
Regan Stacey Regan Stacey

Love Song

For I cannot tell
the flit of birds through
the flailing leaves
which is which
and who is who…

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The Restorative Power of Nature
Regan Stacey Regan Stacey

The Restorative Power of Nature

I must confess, I sing to the trees. They don’t judge. I think the nearby squirrel had something to say, but between her and the dense mist dripping from the trees, all was silent between the notes of my voice. Slowly as I walked, I could hear the distant wash of water over stone, where Burnham Brook babbled and had stories to tell…

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On Reasons Not to Sleep In
Regan Stacey Regan Stacey

On Reasons Not to Sleep In

I believe there is a reason.

There must be a reason why I can’t remember my birth. My original birth, 14 billion years ago, when all of what would become was thrust forth from the hips of a dot smaller than a pencil’s eraser, or so they say…

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The Giving Way
Regan Stacey Regan Stacey

The Giving Way

With autumn taking hold and the days of lake swimming coming to a close, I met Spider again, quickly climbing up the web among the vegetation that hangs across the small opening where I enter. We must negotiate this again…

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