The Journal
A collection of selected writings.
The Call of the Eagle
Many moons ago, a woman healer was on her way to a sweat lodge ceremony. She stopped at the river, as she often does, and this time, she saw an eagle. She hadn’t seen one there before. She knew this meant a great trial was ahead…
Just This Rock —A Mt. Katahdin Story
Mt. Katahdin. What were we thinking? My 20-year-old son, Calvin, and I arrived at the campsite at 9 PM due to traffic, just in time for the clouds to open up. We were soaked, the tent was soaked, inside and out, as we scrambled to get the fly on…
Why ‘biophilia’ needs to be part of your next holiday
[by Amy Thomas, BBC Features Correspondent] Engaging with nature on vacation can not only make you feel more rested and restored, it can also enhance wellbeing when you're back home.
It's a cool but sunny spring morning as I step over rocks and past mountain laurel bushes into a wooded Connecticut land preserve. Only the trill of titmice and robins overhead and the crunch of dead oak leaves underfoot punctuate the still air. "We're folding into the forest," says Regan Stacey, a forest ……
photo: Getty Images
Morning Watch
The fleet of feathers leaves wakes,
streaks of white waves
against the black surface rippled
with wind. The sun rises over the hill,
giving light to color and form…
On Turtle Time
It was a cold and blustery afternoon, not the typical day for a beach walk. The floods had come and shifted the sands again. I was down along Long Island Sound, rounding the bend up the Connecticut River, walking past bits of detritus washed up…
Another Bang
Another bang.
This drum beat
loud and resonant
scattered feathers
the flying swiftly…